Vulnerability tests
We provide vulnerability scanning services – vulnerability testing of your websites, publicly available servers and published services.
We can also test your internal environment.
The tests are non-invasive so you don’t have to worry about service outages or compromised operations.
Scanning ports, services and vulnerabilities is part of the first stages of preparing for hacker attacks!
Active vulnerability scans
- Check and detect open ports
- Analysis of services running on servers
- Operating system scan and exploit detection
- Testing against known vulnerabilities (CVE)
- Search for subdomains and links to other services
- Testing default login credentials
- Safe exploitation of found vulnerabilities
- Internal network scanning with VPN profile
- Preparation of the final report and recommendations

Test of web applications
according to OWASP
We will test the security of your website.
- Proper HTTPS configuration
- Secure cookie settings
- Susceptibility to cross-site-scripting (XSS) – insertion of foreign code
- Susceptibility to SQL injection – database robbery
- Vulnerabilities in WordPress, Joomla and Drupal
- Up-to-date technologies used (JavaScript, PHP, …)
- Webserver test
- We will check whether sensitive documents are not traceable on your website
- obtaining information about the company
- harvest email from the web
- harvest email from websites 3.
parties and services used - verification of password leakage in databases
- verification of leaked documents in databases
- Darknet control

Vulnerability test packages
Retest within half a year at a discounted price.
up to 5 assets
- Comprehensive domain research
- Subdomain detection
- Identification of IP addresses
- Open port scanning
- Analysis of found services
- Advanced web scanning
- Create a vulnerability report
The most popular option
up to 5 assets
Everything from the Minimal package and more:
- Collection of public information
- Collecting contact information
- Verify leaked passwords and documents
- OSINT report extension
up to 5 assets
Everything from the Minimal+OSINT package and more:
- Identification of technologies
- Web application mapping
- Manual URL vulnerability scan
- Verification of specific vulnerabilities
- Scanning with different tools
- Creating an application report
Want to know more?
Leave us a contact…
Are you interested in testing the vulnerabilities of your corporate infrastructure?
Leave us your contact information.
Discuss the details with our specialists and get a no-obligation quote.