
Do you deal with cyber security?

Did you know that cyber attacks are growing faster than mushrooms after a rain? It is also (unfortunately) no longer true that bad grammar or similar easily detectable errors always give them away. Therefore, you need to secure yourself thoroughly and prepare for the possibility that your company could be targeted by attackers in the future. Why should you, you ask?

How do we know that?

One of the main indicators is our own practice. We know how high the success rate of the simulated attacks we perform on clients is, and believe me, it’s a higher number than you would expect. The other thing is the numbers and other data based on statistics from the National Cyber and Information Security Authority. In 2022, the Czech Police recorded an almost twofold increase in cybercriminal activity compared to 2021, with a total of 18,554 incidents reported. We already know that last year’s figure is much higher. The total damage is in the hundreds of millions of crowns. Phishing is still the most common type of attack, and ransomware attacks are also on the rise. According to the available data, the public sector is the most at risk, followed closely by the health sector.

According to current data, we know that the number of attacks is steadily increasing year on year. Moreover, the current trend indicates that attacks come in waves – it is never certain when a breakthrough will occur. So the outlook is clear that if we want to keep data safe, we should address cybersecurity and implement measures on an ongoing basis.

Does that make your head spin?

Don’t despair. You don’t have to deal with the situation yourself, and we can’t even recommend it in general. It would take a very long time and be very costly to find one person qualified enough to implement all the steps for proper security. Especially if you want to employ that specialist permanently to cover everything.

Teaming up with a reliable partner who has references and experience in security in your sector will make your job in this field much easier. Plus, you get the reassurance that someone will always be fully committed to you because you’ll be working with the whole company, not an individual who may be busy with a mountain of other tasks.

What are we going to do about it?

Our range of services is wide and we take a comprehensive approach to cyber security. We can test Vulnerabilities your systems and then evaluate their resilience. We can also check the vigilance of your employees by social engineering. The results of this simulated attack will give you insight into how well your company would hold up if it were targeted by real attackers. Our services also include Security training or audits.

If you are interested, we will be happy to discuss the details with you and prepare a specific plan to cover all important aspects of cybersecurity.